
Valentina Ghiringhelli
Born in 1987

Movies Awards
Official selection for The Hollywood First-Time Filmmaker Showcase (Aug 2020)
Official selection for Lift-Off Music Video Filmmaker Showcase (Jul 2020)
Official selection for Bideodromo Internacional Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain (17-25 sept 2019)
Finalist for Las Vegas Global Film Festival 2019; Las Vegas (Aug 2019)
Official selection for 2019 Audience Awards Experimental Shorts (Jul 2019)
Official selection for 2019 Audience Awards Music Shorts Film Festival (Jun 25-Jul 02 2019)
Official selection for NanoCon International Film Festival NIFF, Longview, Washington D.C. (march 2019)
Official selection for First-Time Filmmakers 2018 Christmas Special (Dec 2018)
Official selection for Inshort Film Festival 2018, Lagos State, Nigeria (Dec 27-29 2018)
Official selection for Lift-Off Sessions (Dec 2018)
Official selection for Psychedelic Film and Music Festival, Museum of Moving Image, New York City (Oct 1-7 2018)
First award for best Experimental Short Film, Florence short Film festival 2018, Cinema Odeon, Florence (Aug 2018)
Official selection for International Art Film Festival, October 14-18 2015, Spazio Oberdan, Milan, Italy

Photos Awards
Finalists for the 2019 edition of Simultanei, volti del contemporaneo, Photolux Festival, Lucca, Italy (Nov 2019)
Shortlisted for Premio Fabbri for Contemporary Art, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, Italy (Nov 2016)
Shortlisted for Photissima Art Prize, Photissima Art Fair & Festival, Turin, Italy (Oct 2015)
Shortlisted for Riccardo Prina Prize, Galleria Ghiggini, Varese, Italy (oct 2014)
First Award for Space 23 Contest, Genova, Italy (Sept 2013)
Artist-in-residence at Deauville Photography Festival Planche(s) Contact, Deauville (July 2012)

Solo exhibitions
Divergenze curated by Mauro DeFrancesco, Trento Art Festival, Trento, Italy (Mar 2021)
Divergenze, KunstmatrixPlatform (Feb 2021)
Desire curated by Sandro Iovine, Villa Reale, Monza, Italy (Mar 2015)
Desire, Spazio23 Gallery, Genova, Italy (Dec 2013)
Under Control, Area_Urbana, Binago, Italy (Mar 2013)

Group exhibitions
Le cose che si vedono in cielo -Things Seen in the Sky curated by Ilaria Campioli, Panoràmic Festival, Granollers, Barcelona, Spain (17-27 oct 2019);
50x50x50 Freiräume - Spazi Liberi 2019 Art Südtirol, Festung Franzensfeste, Forte di Fortezza, Bolzano (July 2019)
Screening during Kcmarc concert at WantedClan, Piano City 2019, Milan (May 2019)
Mala Yerba-Fotografìa Contemporànea Italiana y Cubana, Fototeca de Cuba, Avana, Cuba (Dec 2017)
WopArtFair, Lugano, Switzerland (Sept 2017)
International Photo Project: La Habana-Milano-New York, curated by Alain Cabrera Fernández-Elio Grazioli-Frank Franca, supported by Fondo Malerba per la Fotografia, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy (mar 2017)
Premio Fabbri for contemporary art, curated by Carlo Sala, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, Italy (Nov 2016)
The Things One Sees in the Sky Fotografia Europea 2015, Reggio Emilia, Italy (June 2015)
Showcase on Art:i:curate London and New York-based startup (Sept 2015)
Exposed Project about Milan transformation for Expo2015 Forma Meravigli gallery, Milan, Italy (June 2015)
Rock your Dummy! Le Photobookfest, L'Ancienne Imprimerie/ Picture Tank, Paris, France (Nov 2014)
Riccardo Prina Prize Triennale Design Museum, Palazzo dell'Arte, Milan, Italy (Sept 2014)
Milano Città Aperta: Five years of independent photographic narrations curated by Roberta Levi, Nicola Bertasi and Alfredo Bosco,
Polifemo-Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy (Sept 2014)
The alphabet of metropolitan city Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Italy (Sept 2014)
Desire curated by Sandro Iovine, Drena Castle, Trento, Italy (Sept 2014)
The great Milan-From modern architecture to the future city Villa Necchi Campiglio, Milan, Italy (Apr 2014)
Festival Planche(s) Contact curated by Patrick Remy (Steidl), Deauville, France (Oct-Dec 2012)
The innerworld of the outerworld of the innerworld curated by Luca Andreoni and Francesco Zanot, Fabbrica del vapore, Milan, Italy
(June 2012)

Nothing to see here, curated by Francesco Jodice
Photography Festival Planche(s) Contact
Desire, Machia Press Publishing
Milano Città Aperta-Journal of Urban Photography
FPmag. Let’s talk about photography

2022 Victor Perez’s Master of Light
2021 Victor Perez's Nuke Compositing Masterclass
2019 1st level academic Nuke Compositing master, iMasterArt Academy, Turin, Italy
2017 Master in Film Direction and Compositing, Immagina Film School, Florence, Italy
2012 Holds a scholarship for the Master in Photography and Visual Design organized by NABA - New Academy of Fine Arts in collaboration with the Foundation for Photography FORMA, Milan, Italy
2011-2012 Master degree in Visual Communication, John Kaverdash academy, Milan, Italy
2007-2009 Master degree in Interior Design, Istituto Marangoni, Milan, Italy

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