Videoclip 2019, 05:19 min, HD color 16:9
Autumn Sea is part of the work called "Pianorama", a term that is a mix of the 2 words "Piano" and "Diaporama", the latter means a sort of storytelling made with some photos that move like a movie on a written soundtrack on purpose.
Caruso Marco wrote the music on the piano and in Autumn Sea the aim was to describe the melancholy and fascination of the movement of the waves in a winter light; almost hypnotic and romantic at the same time music and video are like dancing together.
Jazz and improvisational music were the key to telling this particular atmosphere.
Filmed & directed by
Valentina Ghiringhelli
Music written & composed by
Marco Caruso
Photography, editing & effects by
Valentina Ghiringhelli